Utopia- Sir Thomas More 1516

This is an image of the book cover of Sir Thomas More's Utopia. It's an island surrounded by water with several settlements in the center and a ship in the bottom.
Book cover of Sir Thomas More’s Utopia

The New Atlantis – Francis Bacon 1626

The book cover of The New Atlantis by Sir Francis Bacon. It has tiny image of an island surrounded by the sea and the settlement in the center with several human holding high tech objects (relevantly high tech for the time 1626, something like phone or so...)
Book cover of
Sir Francis Bacon’s The New Atlantis

Robinson Crusoe – Daniel Defoe 1719

An image of first edition of Daniel Defoe's Robinson Crusoe in 1719, there's no illustration only text that introduce the book. It says The Life and Strange Suprizing  adventures of Robinson Crusol of Tork, Mariner: Who lived Eight and Twenty Years, all alone in an un-inhabited island on the coast of America, near the mouth of the great river of Oroonoques. Having been caft on shore by shipwreck, where in all the men perifhed but himself. With an account how he was at laft as frankly delivered by PYRATES.
First edition of Daniel Defoe’s Robinson Crusoe in 1719

Around 17~19 century ppl move from Euro to USA (740m population vs 800000 population). The term immigration was coined in the 17th century.

Then, Utopia experiment in USA in the 20 century, architect Frank Lloyd Wright, Paolo Soleri, Acrosanti

Vendredi ou les Limbes du Pacifique (Friday) – Michel Tournier, 1967

Internet as Utopia from Expanded Education For The Paperless Society- Nam Jun Pak, 1968 *link to NJP’s future prediction

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Each 100 years, artists try to create work that shakes the world and reflects it’s time. Combining reality and fiction to picture something that is there and yet to be discovered or can’t be pictured.

In the seventeenth century, knowledge is power, the science and technologic jump and progress Scientific revolution change how people see the world. Then the Age of Enlightenment and Age of Reason came, they dare to know. By the end of the eighteenth century the idea of Utopia no longer restricted to space, it shifted it to time, the future, which is more accessible than the unknown territories. The distance that makes possible the critique of reality remains.

If time is the fourth dimension. If the three-dimensional space of Utopia does not exist, then perhaps how we map the future will concern its history.



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