violet/a marchenkova is an arts worker, filmmaker, writer and queer-feminist community organiser with Devil’s Dyke Network based in Brighton. They trained in Art History and Digital Documentary, and have a diaristic first person film practice. vi grew up between Post-Soviet Riga and Moscow’s landscapes in a Russian-speaking family, for the past 8 years they’ve been living in the UK.
Their work is influenced by Disability Arts Movement, Embodied Social Justice practices, and creativity and wisdom of the many friends=teachers around them. They’ve spent the past few years curating and emerging spaces for politicised creative expression.
violet’s film practice consists of auto-ethnographic gestures, experimental approaches to writing, embodied lens-based image-making, and constant tending to their mental health. Their past short film spying (2017) explored issues of national identity, disidentification and bilingualism. Their short film jetlag (2019) explored ecological thinking and autistic shutdowns.