My first stab at an actual, proper, real, official, legit fourteen-lined sonnet. And it just so happens to be bog-themed. I wrote this in response to my friend Rabindranath Bhose’s work, who is currently working on a boggy solo-show which will be opening this June at Collective Gallery, in Edinburgh. Rabi and his boyfriend, Oren (who is also a super interesting artist), came to stay with us in Shetland a month or so ago. We visited lots of bogs together (including the site where the Gunnister Man was found, about a 15 minute drive from our house here), and I owe a lot of my current, reinvigorated, love of bog-lands to their visit.
So, the bog sonnet. This is where I’m up to with the edit so far (though it’s still very much a work in progress, so go easy on me!):
Thy holy bog / Riddled with holes
All categories stray / Graven made whorls
Other-World’s holes / Face holy sky
Sphagnum crusty stars / Moon shaven thigh
Pot holed skies / Knotted with graves
Bodies aether-deep / Carpet bone weaves
Sopping arid graves / Death reversed tomb
Firmament portalled peat / Bog bless’d gooch
Rite bidden tomb / Fecund stone cog
Ensouling our rot / Thy holy bog
Salt lubes cog / Hanged Man brains
Prayer crossed things / Loss borne gain
Feet like brains / Riddled with whorls
Preserved can’t stop / Other-World tolls