Glass / Glas by Bert Haanstra (1958) is a short documentary that playfully shows the process of glassmaking. This is a compilation of stills featuring hands from the video for visual inspiration. I always have been interested in the movement of hands as they can give a surprising amount of information regarding one’s culture, emotions, and the context of the conversation that is taking place.

Thanks Laura Lulika for the reference!

A pair of hands shaping the clear glass with tools around the cylinder shaped metal object on metal work surface.
A pair of hands shaping the clear glass with tools on metal work surface
A pair of hands holding metal pole, there is a ring on right hand's ring finger. A person is wearing an orange checkered shirt that is only partly visible.
A pair of hands holding a metal pole during the glassmaking process.
A person is blowing onto the end of a metal pole whilst holding it as part of glassmaking process. A person is wearing beige shirt. Only part of one's side face profile is showing with one's upper body.
A person blowing into a metal pole during the glassmaking process.
A hand is gently holding the end of brown pole for glassmaking in the centre. The arm is showing arm hair with part of unrolled green shirt sleeve showing.
A hand holding the end of a metal pole.
A pair of hands rolling the cigarette. The background is a blurred image of glass making factory scene with empty glass bottles.
A pair of hands rolling a cigarette.

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