In the past week I tune in with two live streaming, I used hubs to build a 3d space for the future workshop. The workshop is expected to be hold at the end of the residency, somewhere closer to the week of the 20th. The reason to use hubs is that it allows participants to use existing models lively. So during the workshop, they can just create things really fast. Also using the internet as the platform instead of the real world fits the idea of migrant utopia out of physical space into an idea. Although during the workshop I will still ask participants to picture utopia out of the real world. I will play some demo with some of my friends in the next live streaming. I am using this software called hubs from Mozilla, and here you can see I am using its environment building software called spoke.

A screen shot from the process of making 3D utopia. It's a bird view of the 3D utopia. Surrounded by brown mountains, green grass land in the middle divided by a white gathering center looks like Minecraft style architecture with pool, plants... has a feeling of utopia.
Screen shot from the process of making 3D Utopia.

That allows me to create the space very fast, just need basic 3d software knowledge, here in the live stream is my first time using this software. So I am trying to create a world with two identical worlds in it, and I will have a gathering center in the middle. The reason to have two identical worlds is that the workshop will involve several steps, and one of them is to have two teams compete with each other building their own utopia.

Another angle screen shot from the process of making 3D utopia. It's a bird view of the 3D utopia. Surrounded by brown mountains, green grass land in the middle divided by a white gathering center looks like Minecraft style architecture with pool, plants... has a feeling of utopia.
Screen shot from the process of making 3D Utopia.

So while I was building it, it reminds me of when I was in 1st grade or 3rd grade, during the art class. Well, not a real art class just making things. The teacher was asking us to build a house out of some colorful cardboard, the teacher probably expected us to build some color houses.

A house with different colored wall and roof. The blue wall with a window, another wall is yellow. The roof is pink and cyan.
An example of what the standard house is.

But instead of using the same color for the wall. I cut the colored paper into 1cm wide pieces them stick them together from inside one by one. Of course, the house turns out to be something really fragile but cool I guess.

A house made by multiple stripes with different colors, with blue, purple, green, yellow, cyan and green and there's a window in center. It looks taller compare to the previous picture.
An example of what the my house look like.

But the teacher told me it’s wrong and tore it down, she spent the rest of the class helping me rebuild a house that’s standard. I don’t remember what I felt, but something about wrong and failure, I guess since then I lost the ability to dream. I became a student that waited for “right” instructions. I couldn’t even choose which sneaker I want. But that was fine, I was still a good student and good kid, grow up with no issue. Then, I remember how easy to get attention or winning in the system, just follow the rules. Recently, I’ve been thinking about these past 10 years in New York, how do I divide them into time like countable times, I found it interesting that something I took for granted now they are not. My path to growing up was so smooth, I don’t need to fight for anything, all I have to do is to follow the instructions and play inside the frame. But here, everything is possible and not possible. I remember in my life I lied about myself some times just to get attention to get the spot light. Sometimes I thought about those and wonder what is real, and where is it? I became a tree with thin or twisted tree trunks, I look like a foreigner, I live here for ten years, I look like not belong here, I speak some local language, I look like a visitor, I look different from others, where ever I go won’t be home. Maybe one day when I go home, and that’s not home anymore, I went too far, far away from reality.

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