(enchant:?page,(background:#fff0f6))[(text-colour:#fa5252)[''//CHOOSE YOUR CHARACTER//'']]
The body ->The Body]]
(text-colour:#087f5b)[[(text-style:"blurrier")[=The river->The River]]
(text-colour:#5c940d)[[(text-style:"wavy-strike")[=The arm and hand->The arm and hand]]
(text-colour:#66a80f)[[(text-style:"shudder")[=The monster->The Monster ]]
(text-colour:#69db7c)[[(text-style:"blur","expand")[=The foam->The foam]]
(text-colour:#38d9a9)[[(text-style:"italic","wavy-underline","smear")[=The weeds->The weeds]]
(text-colour:#a9e34b)[[(text-style:"strike","upside-down","shudder")[=The police->The police]](text-style:"wavy-underline","blurrier","expand")[(text-colour:#4263eb)[''The river Cole is constantly threatening to flood,
like(t8n-time:3s)[[ I am->The Monster ]]
(t8n-time:2.5s)[[Like we are->The Body]]'']
//(align:"<==")+(box:"X====")[alt text/ a low res high cost bmw trapped beneath a bridge and so flooding a the river cole]//
(text-colour:#e10000)[(text-style:"fidget")[//(background:(hsl:120,1,0.9882,0.5))[The long arm of the law was in full evidence when police were called to reports of [[a human limb ->Bodies and the Law]]floating in a Birmingham river]//]] ±±
+(css: "font-size: 50%")+(background:#f49be1)[alt text: melted red plastic fingernail on white hand in boiling put of tumeric on cheap stove in Kitchen in Birmingham, alongside the River Cole]
±±See (link: "this news article")[(goto-url: 'https://www.birminghammail.co.uk/news/midlands-news/hand-arm-found-river-cole-18211227')]
(enchant:?passage,(text-colour:#fcc2d7)+(background:(hsl:0,0.9438,0.651,0.4)))(css: "font-size: 60%")[alt text: small purple flower in focus AND cow parsley, nettles AND monster body in the background with a big stick AND big blurred leaf and green plants and a body in the river, in rags
two breasts, at least: a monster (t8n-time:2.5s)(click-goto:?page,"monster 2")]
(text-colour:#dbe4ff)+(background:#15aabf)[(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[You are (t8n-time:1.5s)[[a quivering mound->foam2]], caught in the elbows of fallen trees.]]
(text-colour:#9775fa)''''[she remembers:
(t8n-time:3.1s)[[ silt trailing green ->evades soil]]
(t8n-time:3.1s)[[ new wonder of revenge->eats shit]]
(t8n-time:3.1s)[[ drawn needles->stuck killing]]
(t8n-time:3.1s)[[ shit tremble ->embraces shit]]]''''
(text-colour:#d8f5a2)[(text-style:"sway")[[mare's tail->mare's tale]], is an invasive, deep-rooted perennial weed that will spread quickly to form a dense carpet of foliage
(text-rotate-y:207)+(text-rotate-z:282)[(t8n-time:1.5s)[[Sticky Willies->slows simpering green new weeds]] are annuals ]
(text-rotate-y:27)+(text-rotate-z:263)[with creeping straggling stems which branch and grow along the ground and over other plants. ]
(text-rotate-y:54)+(text-rotate-z:269)[They attach themselves with the small hooked hairs which grow out of the stems and leaves.]]
[[slows simpering green new weeds->slows simpering green new weeds]]
[(text-colour:#f783ac)+(css: "font-size: 60%")[//(text-colour:#ffc9c9)+(background:(hsl:162,0.8839,0.3039,0.6))[(align:"<==")[GIF description: cellphone camera underwater very brown big black wellington boots step down (up, the video is upside down). One fish swims left to across the frame. Sound is obscured and obscures both fish and foot] ]//]]
(text-colour:#ff6b6b)[ _
_( )_
| __
(track: 'die', 'loop', true)
(track: 'die', 'playwhenpossible')
(text-colour:red)+ [(text-style:"bold","blink")[=
(text-style:"expand")+(css: "font-size: 600%")[YOU DIE]]
(text-colour:#ffc9c9)+(css: "font-size: 40%")[(background:(hsl:210,0.8039,0.5,0.5))[(align:"<==")+(box:"XXX==")[alt/text: an image of a large police-hand covered tight in sick-blue gloves, which the police wear when they are touching (t8n-time:2s)[[bodies->The Body]] or objects without consent. The rubbered-de-oxiganted-blue police hand holds a dirty white arm, with long read nails; dripping water. The red nails bleed on to fingers. The image is from (link: "this news article")[(goto-url: 'https://www.birminghammail.co.uk/news/midlands-news/hand-arm-found-river-cole-18211227')]. I guess if pushed we would say it's meant to speak to the police's failure to touch or understand a body; the bone-hard, unmalleable exterior of police-skin-plastic; the way a dead policeman will never degrade or rot or return to the water, but will sit dead hard on the surface of the river, like an oil slick or empty plastic bag.]]]
(text-colour:red)+(css: "font-size: 60%")[(align:"==>")+(box:"=======XXX")[(text-style:"smear","expand","sway")[SOUND DESCRIPTION: techno Birimingham sound track called //We Said No// by Regis. Repetitive loud bile-at-back-of-throught sound from before a body abjects the law, vomits, starts coming up at the rave.]] ]
(css: "font-size: 60%")[//(background:(hsl:210,0.8039,0.5,0.5))[you do not rot or return to (t8n-time:2s)[[weeds->The weeds]]; your skin is shiny blue aliminium paint chipped off an expensive and unnecessary car from the scene of ~~the ~~crime you perpetuated, comitted, and invented]//]
die: https://www.dropbox.com/s/xm4iw3kbeiz3kp9/Regis%20-%20Gymnastics%20-%2001%20We%20Said%20No.mp3?dl=1
fish: https://www.dropbox.com/s/1xibdblztdl7x12/fish%20sound.mp3?dl=1
sabbath: https://www.dropbox.com/s/a4lss7m7kuggvcs/sabbath%202.mp3?dl=1
river: https://www.dropbox.com/s/w63hg3m7v8ygx45/river.mp3?dl=1
spit: https://www.dropbox.com/s/zlxafm12zxd70j1/Spit_01.mp3?dl=1
(text-colour:#f03e3e)+(css: "font-size: 200%")[(align:"=><=")+(box:"===XXXX===")[''police are called about a river in (t8n-depart:"pulse")+(t8n-time:2.5s)[[your body->and a body in the river]]'' ]](enchant:?page,(text-colour:#d8f5a2)+(background:#087f5b))[[she evades soil larvae everything gangrene entrails sew weeds dying green new weeds->eats shit]] (enchant:?page,(text-colour:#fff5f5)+(background:#c92a2a))(t8n-depart:"pulse")+(t8n-time:1.5s)[[she eats shit->embraces shit]] trembling growing gorgeous shit to open new wounds (enchant:?passage,(text-colour:#fff9db)+(background:#82c91e))Stuck killing ground dying gangrene effervescent trauma
Already yellow weeds she enters (t8n-depart:"zoom")+(t8n-time:3.5s)[[she escapes->Trapped]]
(track: 'fish', 'loop', true)
(track: 'fish', 'playwhenpossible')
she (WHAT WHO NO SHE) embraces shit to open new wounds she ever rises she
earthly yellow want to open new worlds s
o open new worlds from
Beneath the river or the ice.
(sound description: soundslike walking/breathing/gestating/fucking/dying/wellingtons stepping over fish, beneath the river or the ice) (enchant:?page,(background:(hsl:336,1,0.9353,0.6)))
<iframe src="https://player.vimeo.com/video/563426288" width="1280" height="720" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; fullscreen; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
(text-colour:#ffc9c9)[disembodied (prefer not to say gender) hand of a
mermaid tattoo
plaited mane
on a woman or a horse
your pink white skin, which punctuates the field
we run our hands through her hair]<div style="padding:75% 0 0 0;position:relative;"><iframe src="https://player.vimeo.com/video/573904129?badge=0&autopause=0&player_id=0&app_id=58479" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; fullscreen; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0;width:100%;height:100%;" title="quick vid.mp4"></iframe></div><script src="https://player.vimeo.com/api/player.js"></script>
(text-colour:#212529)[//(text-rotate-x:198)[video description: body or monster enters river via a sewerage or other expulsion concrete point. Exits language. Body is pink because that is also the color of plastic adorning it. Walks down river; obscured by sticky willies; cow parsley; netles]//.]
//(text-colour:#fff0f6)[sound description: overly shrill birdsong drowns homes next door to (t8n-depart:"blur")+(t8n-time:2.5s)[[the river->The River]] & every time the foot enters the water it makes a wet sound like a fist hitting clay or blood & every time the focus changes it makes a sound like recalibration of a broken or dirty or obsolete lens]//(enchant:?page,(text-colour:#fff0f6)+(background:(gradient: 0, 0,#ffffff,0,#80e619,1,#ffffff)))(t8n-time:3.5s)[[Trapped->Die]] (enchant:?page,(text-colour:#ffdeeb)+(background:(gradient: 0, 0,#ffffff,0,#19e619,1,#ffffff)))(t8n-time:3.5s)[[Dead->Die 2]](enchant:?page,(text-colour:#ffdeeb)+(background:(gradient: 0, 0,#ffffff,0,#19e619,1,#ffffff)))Dead
(text-colour:#f3d9fa)[(t8n-time:4s)[[Dead->Die 3]]](enchant:?page,(text-colour:#ffdeeb)+(background:(gradient: 0, 0,#ffffff,0,#19e619,1,#ffffff)))Dead
(text-style:"wavy-strike","smear")[(t8n-depart:"slide-left")+(t8n-time:1s)[[Dead->She]]](enchant:?page,(text-colour:#f03e3e)+(background:(gradient: 0, 0,#ffffff,0,#19e619,0.3164,#ffffff)))dreaming green new weeds
she enters
(css: "font-size: 600%")[she escapes 'She'][(t8n-time:1s)(click-goto:?page,"The Body")’]
(text-colour:#f03e3e)+(css: "font-size: 200%")+(align:"=><=")+(box:"===XXXX===")[and a body in (t8n-time:2.5s)[[the river->The River]]]Double-click this passage to edit it.(text-style:"blur","buoy")[The police were waiting on (t8n-time:2.5s)[[the monster->monster 3]].](text-style:"blur","buoy")[The police were waiting on (t8n-time:2.5s)[[the monster->monster 3]].]
(text-colour:#d0bfff)+(background:(hsl:210,0.0708,0.5569,0.5))[(t8n-time:2.5s)[[The monster->monster 4]]](text-style:"blur","buoy")[The police were waiting on (t8n-time:2.5s)[[the monster->monster 3]].]
(text-colour:#d0bfff)+(background:(hsl:210,0.0708,0.5569,0.5))[(t8n-time:2.5s)[[The monster->monster 4]]
aka the (t8n-time:2.5s)[[virus->monster 5]]](text-style:"blur","buoy")[The police were waiting on (t8n-time:2.5s)[[the monster->monster 3]].]
(text-colour:#d0bfff)+(background:(hsl:210,0.0708,0.5569,0.5))[(t8n-time:2.5s)[[The monster->monster 4]]
aka the (t8n-time:2.5s)[[virus->monster 5]]
(t8n-depart:"pulse")+(t8n-time:3s)[[gathers in groups of two or three sometimes->Monster 6]] with a cigarette or a ball or a drink in a bag made of paper]{
(track: 'sabbath', 'loop', true)
(track: 'sabbath', 'playwhenpossible')
(text-style:"blur","buoy")[The police were waiting on (t8n-time:2.5s)[[the monster->monster 3]].]
(text-colour:#d0bfff)+(background:(hsl:210,0.0708,0.5569,0.5))[(t8n-time:2.5s)[[The monster->monster 4]]
aka the (t8n-time:2.5s)[[virus->monster 5]]
(t8n-depart:"pulse")+(t8n-time:3s)[[gathers in groups of two or three sometimes->Monster 7]] with a cigarette or a ball or a drink in a bag made of paper]
(text-colour:#e10000)+(css: "font-size: 300%")[(text-style:"blur","sway")[the police hate water because it does not obey the law and because they cannot swallow or incorporate her] ]
(text-style:"blur","buoy")[The police were waiting on (t8n-time:2.5s)[[the monster->monster 3]].]
(text-colour:#d0bfff)+(background:(hsl:210,0.0708,0.5569,0.5))[(t8n-time:2.5s)[[The monster->monster 4]]
aka the (t8n-time:2.5s)[[virus->monster 5]]
(t8n-depart:"pulse")+(t8n-time:3s)[[gathers in groups of two or three sometimes->Monster 7]] with a cigarette or a ball or a drink in a bag made of paper]
(text-colour:#e7c800)[The public does not include the monster, believing itself to be sealed against (t8n-time:2s)[[her->Monstee 8 ]]. ]
(text-colour:#e10000)+(css: "font-size: 300%")[(text-style:"blur","sway")[the police hate water because it does not obey the law and because they cannot swallow or incorporate her] ]
(text-style:"blur","buoy")[The police were waiting on (t8n-time:2.5s)[[the monster->monster 3]].]
(text-colour:#d0bfff)+(background:(hsl:210,0.0708,0.5569,0.5))[(t8n-time:2.5s)[[The monster->monster 4]]
aka the (t8n-time:2.5s)[[virus->monster 5]]
(t8n-depart:"pulse")+(t8n-time:3s)[[gathers in groups of two or three sometimes->Monster 7]] with a cigarette or a ball or a drink in a bag made of paper]
(text-colour:#e7c800 )+(css: "font-size: 120%")[The public does not include the monster, believing itself to be sealed against (t8n-time:2s)[[her->Monstee 8 ]]. ]
The police and the public understand the (t8n-time:2s)[[monster manifests herself->Monster 9]] in youths in gatherings of more than two people outside the shop with no lights on, or by the (t8n-time:2s)[[river ->The River]]
(text-colour:#e10000)+(css: "font-size: 300%")[(text-style:"blur","sway")[(t8n-time:2s)[[the police->The police]] hate water because it does not obey the law and because they cannot swallow or incorporate her] ]
(enchant:?passage,(text-colour:#e03131)+(background:(hsl:0,0.9438,0.651,0.5)))//The public and the police fear the virus or the monster and the youths and the water ((t8n-time:2s)[[always looking for somewhere new to flood->The River]]), but also know that (t8n-time:2s)[[the police->The police]] and the military and the guns and chests and spithoods and etcetera can curtail her by erecting boundaries around the youths and social orders and the virus and the River and (t8n-depart:"shudder")+(t8n-time:3s)[[the steeper higher banks->police rave]]//(enchant:?page,(text-colour:#e03131)+(background:(gradient: 0, 0,#ffffff,0,#ffffff,0.9341,#e61919)))
<div style="padding:75% 0 0 0;position:relative;"><iframe src="https://player.vimeo.com/video/574476736?badge=0&autopause=0&player_id=0&app_id=58479" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; fullscreen; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0;width:100%;height:100%;" title="Police Shut Down Illegal Rave Under Motorway Bridge.mp4"></iframe></div><script src="https://player.vimeo.com/api/player.js"></script>
(text-colour:#e10011)+(css: "font-size: 60%")+(align:"<==")+(box:"===XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX==")[audio description
(tinny, over a police intercom, terrified): You can see people closely bunched together
//The police and the public understand the monster manifests herself in youths in gatherings of more than two people outside the shop with no lights on, or by the river //
(Excited) Full pack of Carling here Stu, Full pack of Carling
//(Fearful)The monster and the river water slither down policeman’s teeth or cheek. Resides (t8n-time:3s)[[there->grafitti]]. The mouth becomes the source becomes the rapid and the edge.// ]
(enchant:?page,(background:(gradient: 0, 0,#ffffff,0,#ffffff,0.9341,#7f19e6)))
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/gPwpD2I6xu0" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
''(text-rotate-z:265)[(t8n-time:3s)[[kill the cop->The police]] in your head
to lose your tongue
and exit language
swim in the blue lagoon (died black)
let algae stick to you
(t8n-time:3s)[[and stop holding hands->The arm and hand]]]''
and the Law
are diametrically opposed and the power
of the police/men
comes from somewhere else than (t8n-arrive:"flicker")+(t8n-time:1.5s)[[flesh or bone or viscera->and officers went further ]] – r
ather from unwoundednes; calcifications; non-porous metals. –]
(css: "font-size: 40%")[//alt/text: melted red plastic fingernail on white hand in boiling put of tumeric on cheap stove in Kitchen in Birmingham, alongside the River Cole. Inset image: an image of a large police-hand covered tight in sick-blue gloves, which the police wear when they are touching (t8n-time:2s)[[bodies->The Body]] or objects without consent. The rubbered-de-oxiganted-blue police hand holds a dirty white arm, with long read nails; dripping water. The red nails bleed on to fingers. The image is from (link: "this news article")[(goto-url: 'https://www.birminghammail.co.uk/news/midlands-news/hand-arm-found-river-cole-18211227')].//](text-style:"bold","buoy")[(text-colour:red)[(align:"==>")+(box:"===XX")[(background:(hsl:30,1,0.949,0.7))[And officers went further out on a limb after they struggled to get out of the river - providing amusement to those watching the operation to retrieve the(t8n-time:1.5s)[[ wayward body->Cole]] part.]]]]
(text-colour:red)+(background:(hsl:162,0.7238,0.6451,0.7))[Alt/Text: .. (t8n-time:1.5s)[[melted red plastic fingernail on white hand in boiling put of tumeric on cheap stove in Kitchen in Birmingham,->blood on the water]] alongside the River Cole. Inset image: an image of a large police-hand covered tight in sick-blue gloves, which the police wear when they are touching (t8n-time:2s)[[bodies->The Body]] or objects without consent. The rubbered-de-oxiganted-blue police hand holds a dirty white arm, with long read nails; dripping water. The red nails bleed on to fingers. The image is from (link: "this news article")[(goto-url: 'https://www.birminghammail.co.uk/news/midlands-news/hand-arm-found-river-cole-18211227')].Inset 2: black and white night vision police image of the river cole taken from above. T(t8n-time:1.5s)[[his is from the night the police break up a rave in June 2021->police rave]]. Bodies are close to each other.
(align:"==>")+(box:"=======XXX")[//(t8n-time:1.5s)[[The River->The River]] Cole runs through Sarehole Road, Hall Green Road and Bank Road.
A tribute of the river drives the Grade 11 listed Sarehole Mill which is now a museum and one of the inspirations for JRR Tolkien's (link: "Lord of the Rings")[(goto-url: 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z9Uz1icjwrM&ab_channel=eKolyable')].//]{
(track: 'river', 'loop', true)
(track: 'river', 'playwhenpossible')
(text-colour:#f03e3e)+(css: "font-size: 200%")+(align:"=><=")+(box:"===XXXX===")[And the Cole River’s limb is flailing upstream towards her mouth, or teeth
(text-style:"shadow","sway")[(t8n-time:1.5s)[[Blood in the water ->Trigger Warning]]]
When you drink a glass of water, you also drink its ghosts
When you piss in the mouth of the river, your wastes embrace her pasts.
](enchant:?passage,(background:(hsl:0,1,0.8294,0.7)))(text-style:"bold")+(text-colour:red)+(css: "font-size: 300%")[TRIGGER WARNING (text-style:"smear","buoy")[(t8n-time:1.5s)[[Blood in the water->Blood in the water.]]]. Altenatively, go back to safety, and to [[spit.->The foam]]]
(text-colour:red)+(css: "font-size: 40%")+(background:(hsl:162,0.7238,0.6451,0.7))[Alt/Text: .. (t8n-time:1.5s)[[melted red plastic fingernail on white hand in boiling put of tumeric on cheap stove in Kitchen in Birmingham,->blood on the water]] alongside the River Cole. Inset image: an image of a large police-hand covered tight in sick-blue gloves, which the police wear when they are touching (t8n-time:2s)[[bodies->The Body]] or objects without consent. The rubbered-de-oxiganted-blue police hand holds a dirty white arm, with long read nails; dripping water. The red nails bleed on to fingers. The image is from (link: "this news article")[(goto-url: 'https://www.birminghammail.co.uk/news/midlands-news/hand-arm-found-river-cole-18211227')].Inset 2: black and white night vision police image of the river cole taken from above. T(t8n-time:1.5s)[[his is from the night the police break up a rave in June 2021->police rave]]. Bodies are close to each other. Inset 3: body in pink in front of a bridge over the river looking down at knee](t8n-time:1.5s)[[spit->The foam]](text-style:"bold")+(text-colour:red)+(css: "font-size: 200%")+(text-rotate-z:359)+(align:"==>")+(box:"===XX")[‘I' am meters away from you, and in the river
holding my breath and still
sucking up your sediments]
(<img src="https://vitalcapacities.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/63495313-5845-4F06-8BEA-3460794F33E3.jpeg" alt="blood on knee on monster close up" />
(text-style:"bold")+(text-colour:red)+(css: "font-size: 200%")+(text-rotate-z:359)+(align:"==>")+(box:"===XX")+(text-rotate-z:273)[(text-colour:white)[(text-style:"blur","expand","fidget")[(t8n-time:1.5s)[[discharging foam and teeth->The foam]]]]]
(text-style:"sway")+(css: "font-size: 120%")+(text-colour:#ffc0eb)+(align:"<==")[''(background:(hsl:0,1,0.8294,0.55))[(t8n-time:1.5s)[[Foam on the water a sign of life and death->foam3]]]''. Foam on the water a sign of (text-rotate-z:273)[life] and (text-style:"rumble")[(text-rotate-z:246)[death]''''(text-style:"buoy")[Foam on the wate]r a sign of life and deathFoam on the (text-style:"blurrier")[water a sign of life and death](text-rotate-z:246)[Foam] on the water a sign of life and death]
<img src="https://vitalcapacities.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/IMG_8437-1024x768.jpg" alt="monster lies in water and water lies in monster and foam sits on the surface" />
(text-style:"buoy")[(text-style:"wavy-underline","blur")[''//alt/text: monster lies in water and water lies in monster and foam sits on the surface of the River Cole//'']]]
(text-colour:#e9ecef)+(css: "font-size: 200%")[(align:"=><=")+(box:"======XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX=========")[(text-colour:#c92a2a)[''(t8n-depart:"flicker")+(t8n-time:2.1s)[[SKIN on the top of the river SCUM on the top of milk->foam4]]'']
(text-style:"blurrier","buoy")[(text-colour:#ffb2ff)[(text-style:"upside-down")[SKIN on the top of the river SCUM on the top of milk] ]]]](text-colour:#921f20)+(css: "font-size: 150%")[''(t8n-depart:"fade-right")+(t8n-time:2.1s)[[The mouth of my mouth->foam5]] '']
<img src="https://vitalcapacities.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/IMG_8437-1024x768.jpg" alt="monster lies in water and water lies in monster and foam sits on the surface" />(text-colour:#921f20)+(css: "font-size: 150%")[''The mouth of my mouth'']
(text-colour:#8ceae4)+(css: "font-size: 150%")[//''(t8n-time:2.1s)[[And the spit of the river->foam6]]''//] (enchant:?page,(background:(hsl:336,1,0.9353,0.6)))
<div style="padding:56.25% 0 0 0;position:relative;"><iframe src="https://player.vimeo.com/video/573904129?badge=0&autopause=0&player_id=0&app_id=58479" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; fullscreen; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0;width:100%;height:100%;" title="solstice short edit"></iframe></div><script src="https://player.vimeo.com/api/player.js"></script>(text-colour:#921f20)+(css: "font-size: 150%")[''The mouth of my mouth'']
(text-colour:#8ceae4)+(css: "font-size: 150%")[//''(t8n-time:2.1s)[[And the spit of the river->foam6]]''//]
(text-colour:#a0ff07)+(css: "font-size: 150%")[''[The virus and the (text-rotate-z:94)[(t8n-time:2.1s)[[river water->foam8]]] slither down policeman’s teeth or cheek.
(align:"=><=")+(box:"===XXXXXXXXXXXXXX===")[Resides there].]'' ]
<img src="https://vitalcapacities.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/Screen-Shot-2021-06-21-at-10.46.04-1024x577.png" alt="monster hidden by giant green leaves walks away from you" />
alt/text: monster hidden by giant green leaves walks away from (t8n-time:2.1s)[[you->The Body]]
(background:(hsl:187,0.7386,0.6549,0.55))[''(t8n-time:2.1s)[[The mouth becomes the source->foam9]] becomes the rapid and the edge'']
<img src="http://lindastupart.net/resources/presssmall2.gif" alt="iceberg pixelates and bleeds" />{
(track: 'spit', 'playwhenpossible')
(text-style:"smear","expand","buoy")+(css: "font-size: 160%")[''TURN THE SOUND BACK ON ''] & wait
(t8n-time:2.1s)[[<img src="https://media.giphy.com/media/s8JfBNTiPq8TK/giphy.gif" alt="CGI water fills up CGI glass" />->foam10]]
(text-colour:#921f20)+(css: "font-size: 60%")[^^//SOUND TRANSCRIPT:
//(background:#e4ffea)[Ok, so everyone close your eyes.
so now that your eyes are closed i want you to really t hink about the spit thats in your mouth
so like everyone has spit in your mouth just be like really aware of the spit in your mouth.
ok so youve got the spit its there its in your mouth
so now what i want you to do is imagine theres a cup in front of
- maybe it has some water in it.
ok so now i want you to imagine SPITTING that spit out into the cup in front of you. PTEW.
Ok now that you've done that,
I want you to pick that cup up
and drink that spit back into your mouth again].// //^^] (t8n-time:2.1s)[[River found dead->foam11]] across the edge of bursting skin cells/multiplicities and masks and balls (at the end of your arms at the end of a ball at the end of nothing)
Getting better
What if we never get better or go forward but (t8n-time:2.1s)[[circle around In the mouth ->The River]]